Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men - #1 New Releasein in Parenting Teenagers


Boys today face unique challenges and pressures, and the burden on mothers to guide their boys through them can feel overwhelming. This empowering book offers a road map to help mothers
find the strength and confidence to raise extraordinary sons by providing encouragement, education, and practical advice about:

• the need for mothers to exercise courage and be bolder and more confident about advising and directing their boys

• the crucial role mothers play in expressing love to sons in healthy ways so they learn to respect and appreciate women as they grow up

• the importance of teaching sons about the values of hard work, community service, and a well-developed inner life

• the natural traps mothers of boys often fall into—and how to avoid them

• the need for a mother to heal her own wounds with the men in her life so she can raise her son without baggage and limitations

• the best ways to survive the moments when the going gets tough and a mom’s natural ways of communicating—talking, analyzing, exploring—only fuel the fire

When a mother holds her baby boy for the first time, she also instinctively knows something else: If she does her job right and raises her son with self-esteem, support, and wisdom, he will become the man she knows he was meant to be.

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